
Many FIFA players consider him to be a far superior

09.02.2023 / 04:05

Nick: anqilan456
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Bucataras din: 08.02.2023
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Van Dijk is currently considered as one of the most effective center backs in FIFA 23. The achievement of gaining such a prestigious reputation isn't easy, however with such power, endurance and overall defensive ability, it's not surprising FIFA 23 coins. He may not be fast in the first meters of running however once he is moving, nothing will stop Van Dijk, making him an amazing player of length. Players who had the chance to play him in their team's league will tell that he's an indispensable player as defensive player. Salah is an exceptional right winger with one of the top scoring goals for a single player's entire career. Many FIFA players consider him to be a far superior player than the likes of Lionel Messi, and would give him a rating higher than at 91, given his shooting speed, speed, and of course, his dribbling. Take note that a majority of his goals are easily scored without a box, due to his immense ball control. Kane is another case of soft start but lengthy acceleration due to strength and the height. Kane is mostly known for his long passing ability, which play well for attacking on his alone and providing opportunities for other players to score easy goals. Even though he performed better last season, despite dropping to 89 points, still makes him a top striker.Kimmich hasn't been a star of FIFA but he's been an effective midfielder in the central area. His strongest skill is passing. His biggest weakness is speed which is easily compensated with his AcceleRATE system buy FUT 23 coins, making him a solid lengthy defensive player.


28.02.2023 / 11:45

Nick: germiona12
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Bucataras din: 28.02.2023
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anqilan456 a spus:

  Van Dijk is currently considered as one of the most effective center backs in FIFA 23. The achievement of gaining such a prestigious reputation isn't easy, however with such power, endurance and overall defensive ability, it's not surprising  FIFA 23 coins . He may not be fast in the first meters of running however once he is moving, nothing will stop Van Dijk, making him an amazing player of length. Players who had the chance to play him in their team's league will tell that he's an indispensable player as defensive player. Salah is an exceptional right winger with one of the top scoring goals for a single player's entire career. Many FIFA players consider him to be a far superior player than the likes of Lionel Messi, and would give him a rating higher than at 91, given his shooting speed, speed, and of course, his dribbling. Take note that a majority of his goals are easily scored without a box, due to his immense ball control. Kane is another case of soft start but lengthy acceleration due to strength and the height. Kane is mostly known for his long passing ability, which play well for attacking on his alone and providing opportunities for other players to score easy goals. Even though he performed better last season, despite dropping to 89 points, still makes him a top striker.Kimmich hasn't been a star of FIFA but he's been an effective midfielder in the central area. His strongest skill is passing. His biggest weakness is speed which is easily compensated with his AcceleRATE system  buy FUT 23 coins , making him a solid lengthy defensive player.

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21.06.2023 / 23:46

Nick: seoexpert
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30.09.2024 / 21:55

Nick: latad
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Bucataras din: 30.09.2024
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anqilan456 a spus:

  Van Dijk is currently considered as one of the most effective center backs in FIFA 23. The achievement of gaining such a prestigious reputation isn't easy, however with such power, endurance and overall defensive ability, it's not surprising  FIFA 23 coins . He may not be fast in the first meters of running however once he is moving, nothing will stop Van Dijk, making him an amazing player of length. Players who had the chance to play him in their team's league will tell that he's an indispensable player as defensive player. Salah is an exceptional right winger with one of the top scoring goals for a single player's entire career. Many FIFA players consider him to be a far superior player than the likes of Lionel Messi, and would give him a rating higher than at 91, given his shooting speed, speed, and of course, his dribbling. Take note that a majority of his goals are easily scored without a box, due to his immense ball control. Kane is another case of soft start but lengthy acceleration due to strength and the height. Kane is mostly known for his long passing ability, which play well for attacking on his alone and providing opportunities for other players to score easy goals. Even though he performed better last season, despite dropping to 89 points, still makes him a top striker.Kimmich hasn't been a star of FIFA but he's been an effective midfielder in the central area. His strongest skill is passing. His biggest weakness is speed which is easily compensated with his AcceleRATE system  buy FUT 23 coins , making him a solid lengthy defensive player.

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