Merele se curata de coaja si se taie felii,apoi le punem intr-o cratita unsa cu putin ulei. Peste mere se presara cele 5 linguri de zahar. Introducem cratita la cuptor pt.aproximativ 30 minute la 180 de grade. Cand sunt aproape gata ele arata ca...
Puiul se condimenteaza cu sare,piper,vegeta,pasta de ardei rosu!
Legumele se aseaza intr-o tava se condimenteaza cu putina sare.
Adaugam si usturoiul tocat marunt.
Peste legume asezam puiul, o canita de apa si o canita ulei.
Vinetele se taie in doua,cu o lingura se scoate miezul din ele,lasandu-se pe margini cam un cm grosime.miezul scos se toaca marunt.Taiem o ceapa marunt si o calim putin intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei adaugam si miezul din vinete, apoi carnea...
is an anonymous social networking platform where users can engage in text and video chats with strangers worldwide. It offers a unique way to meet new people and share thoughts without the need for an account. To use Omegle, simply visit the website, choose between text or video chat options, and start conversing with random users. The effects of Omegle can be both positive and negative; it promotes global friendships but can also expose users to inappropriate content or cyberbullying. Overall, it’s a fun way to connect, but users should exercise caution and prioritize their safety while online.
ioana34 a devenit prieten cu robert_b